The murals of Lyons, N.Y.
Home of Mural Mania
Canal Town, 1990
Located on Santelli Lumber Company this mural is seen by going through the McDonalds drive through. This mural was painted in 1990 by Andy Miller, sponsored by E.R.I.E. (Erie Restoration Interests Everyone.) This Three paneled mural shows the first settlers in Lyons, the Town Clock and the Aqueduct removed in 1969. This mural repainted over my Mural Mania artists in 2010.

Street of Dreams, 2007 Artist James Zeger

The inclusion of the trolley, horse and buggy, and early automobile subtly reminds us that this was an especially important time in history; the world was becoming modern, but the old way of life still was present. Amazingly, the art appreciator gets a two for one; to look upon the scene from 1910, one must view the very same street, exactly as it is in real time. The comparison provides a memorable history lesson.
Generations, 2007 Artists, Art in Public Places

- The former plain façade of Dobbins Drug Store and The Olde Pharmacy Gift Shop is now Generations. Impressed by Corky and Chips’ unique artistic techniques and abilities, pharmacist Sean Dobbins commissioned them to create a permanent tribute to his heritage. .
H.G. Hotchkiss mural 2008, Artist Dawn Jordan

In this mural Dawn Jordan depicts the “essence” of the business operations which at one time produced the worlds famous Hotchkiss Peppermint oil, Included are scenes of workers harvesting a peppermint field, a distillery for processing the essential oil, and the horse=drawn cart transporting the extracted peppermint oil for bottling a the Hotchkiss Building in Lyons, N.Y.
Step Back in Time 2016, Artist Erica Swanson

It Is 188O and you are riding on a packet boat through Lyons, New York; as you pass and through Lock 55 the air is thick with the smell of peppermint oil having just been loaded for shipment by the Hotchkiss Building. Your packet boat just turned north going under the Montezuma Street Bridge; the familiar symbols of Lyons, the Wayne County Courthouse and the clock on the Methodist Church are in the distance. Up ahead is the Elm Street Bridge where your packet boat will again head east along Clyde Rd. This mural was painted by Eric Swanson.
Honoring those that worked on the Erie/Barge Canal
Artist Mural Mania 2021

Painted in the heart of COVID by Mural Mania this mural sponsored by Robert G. Boehmler Community Foundation, Inc. This mural is a look back on the Erie/Barge Canal workers who kept the canal open when the canal was used primarily for the transportation of goods. This was done by digging the sentiments out of the canal. This mural depicts the tugboat the DeWitt Clinton, the sentiment barge and the Dipper Dredge hard at work. The workers featured on the left and right of the mural are actual workers working on the Dipper Dredge in the 50’s. These photos were given to Mark De Cracker over 10 years ago. The amazing thing is that his great grandfather is in these photos, and he was working on the Dipper Dredge the day he was born.
Veterans Memorial Mural Artists Mural Mania, 2022

This Mural Mania mural was painted on the sidewalk in the park where the Veterans Memorial is featured. This mural was painted in the fall of 2021. It was a rather challenging mural given that the fall of 2021 featured a lot of rain, and we were painting on cement.
E-56 Poorhouse Lock Mural
2022, Artist Mural Mania

Another mural painted during COVID, this mural was painted by Mural Mania and features a award winning photo by Mural Mania artist Cory Reynolds in the Erie Canalway photo contest. This historic lock features a both a tumble gate and miter gate. In fact the tumble gate at the west end of the lock was invented by Jacob Leach of Lyons. This old Erie Canal lock still has water in it and you can see both remnants that are over 100 years old. The brick building featured in the mural is the current old of Allyn Perry who has lived in the home since see was a child. This building was a former grocery store for those traveling on the Erie Canal. The mural is only ½ mile from the Lyons Dry Dock on Dry Dock Rd. This mural was a feature of the Canal Sweep in April of 2022.
Winston's Dream
This is where Mural Mania began. We started this mural as a means to help bring attention to the historic village of Lyons, N.Y.. Through the efforts of volunteer painters and citizens this former dump site was turned into a a beautiful park with an icon mural. The mural was dedicated on June 14, 2007 with over 250 people in attendance.

Generations of Smiles, 2007 Artist, Art in Public Places

Dr. Randy Mitchell, an intense local history supporter, was impressed by the work that artists Corky Goss and Chip Miller were completing across the street, so he commissioned them to transform the alley-way wall of his dental office. As expected from these inspiring muralists, the resulting art renders the viewer awestruck. Named Generations of Smiles, paint records the heritage of dentistry in Lyons.
Believe you can achieve, 2008 Artist, Art in Public Places

This mural embodies symbols that reflect the aspirations of the youth of Goal ChaserZ program The mural is centered on “The Road to Success.” It blends the past with the present, from the old Clinton Ditch,” which passed directly through this site, to current youthful activities. Entitled” Believe You Can Achieve.” the first step in the mural leads to a series of pillars and the through the “Arch of Success.”
1936 Firetruck Mural, 2009 Artist Marie Hoover

This mural was painted Marie Hoover. It is dedicated to all the Lyons Firefighters Past and Present. This mural portrays the 1936 American LaFrance pumper, in its bay at the Steamer Hose Co. Nu 2 firehouse, a division of the Lyons Fire Department.
They Call me Sal (Mosaic) Lock 27 2016 Global Mural Conference students from across NY State

One of the features of the 2016 Global Mural Conference was the 12 x 16 mosaic mural painted on Evolon “They Call me Sal”. This mural has 728 six-inch squares painted by art students from elementary to student in college a crossed NY State. Featured in this mural are the history of New York State, and the flora and fauna. If you look closely you will find roses, blue birds, Harriet Tubman, and the World Trade Center featured. This mural the 10th mural in Lyons gateway mural.
Underground Railroad, 2020 Artists MCC

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad mural was painted during the Global Mural Conference in 2016 by MCC students. The mural shows all aspects of the underground railroad to teach people about these courageous people. The symbols represent those that were used to signify safe houses, waterways, trails, and roads. Kathleen Farrell, Concept and Design. Represented in this mural are Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Fredrick Douglas, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and William Still. This mural is by Lock 27
U.SA. Flag Mural Mania Artist 2020

This flag was sponsored by Martin Williams of Hometown Auto. This mural is 20 x 40. This mural was designed by James Zeger, and painted by James Zeger, Cory Reynolds, Mark De Cracker and Betty Rose.
“God Bless America, My Country tis of thee
We have lost respect for those that set us free
They bleed for us on foreign soil for us to see
This beautiful red, white and blue from sea to shining sea.”