Rose Grange Mural


Rose Grange mural

 Located at 4101 Route 414 Rose New York on the south side of the Grange Building


The project was started in the spring of 2017.  The executive board at the grange desired to have a mural referencing historical elements the area is known for, fruit trees, primarily apples, and dairy.  The design is a collage of reference material provided to the artist by the Grange ladies, and includes a milk bottle from the Oaks farm (a well known dairy that was in the area) and elements from the label for Rose Brand Evaporated Apples which was also a local business from the area.

The composition of the mural is an eight-foot square with a plywood backing.  It depicts icons historically known to the area done in linear perspective.

The artist is Mark Williams (an art teacher at the North Rose-Wolcott School District)