First herd of Holstein Cattle Mural

Located at 2263 Walworth Marion Rd., Walworth NY 14568

It is on the west side of the Post Office which is located on the north side of the road.


Why Cows?

The Walworth Historical Society owns the two historically significant paintings created by Clara Billings Yeomans (1850 -1926) that served as inspiration for this mural. In 1879, Theron G. Yeomans of Walworth imported 32 Holstein cattle consisting of 2 bulls and 30 females, mostly heifers, from Holland. In 1885, Mr. Yeomans became the the first president of the Holstein-Fresian Association. Holstein cattle are renowned for their milk and butter production, and they became the predominant breed in this area. The single cow on the right side of the mural is Aaggie 2nd.  As a two-year old, she made an unofficial record of 17,746 lbs., 2 oz. of milk in a year, an unheard of performance by a two-year old heifer at the time. Later, she made a record of 20,763 lbs., 3 oz. of milk in a year. The mural on this wall by Cazenovia College Art Professor Corky Goss, assisted by his son Graham, is a history lesson.


Artwork by Corky & Graham Goss           2013